Print dataGridview in C# easy using DGVPrinter. No need to work with crystal report. It's take two minutes.

Posted on 2018-10-12 03:34:40

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An Easy way to print c# dataGridView in few seconds. No need to add crystal report. You can create your own template using DGVPrinter. Click on the download button.

dgvprinter printer = new dgvprinter();
printer.title = "my report"; //give your report name
printer.subtitleformatflags = stringformatflags.linelimit | stringformatflags.noclip;
printer.pagenumbers = true; // if you need page numbers you can keep this as true other wise false
printer.pagenumberinheader = false;
printer.porportionalcolumns = true;
printer.headercellalignment = stringalignment.near;
printer.footer = "footer"; //this is the footer
printer.footerspacing = 15;
printer.printdocument.defaultpagesettings.landscape = true;

Leave a Comment:
Emmanuel2020-02-24 13:08:34
This is very helpful but my question is how can i put image logo and reduce the image size on the right top corner of the DataGridView
a2019-07-07 19:32:27
thank you so much
Hernan Serrano2021-12-31 05:19:29
How to print with DGVPrinter in POS printer with large receipt 50 or more lines.
npyxmxyppn2022-05-15 09:24:00
Print dataGridview in C# easy using DGVPrinter. No need to work with crystal report. It's take two minutes.

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